19 Summer Vegetable Recipes

These 19 summer vegetable recipes will come in handy on those fun cookouts in your backyard! You don’t have to live on a farm to serve farm-to-table food. Buy local if you can and do your best. These 19 summer vegetable recipes will give you a variety of side dishes to prepare. Don’t skimp on the veggies! Whatever the term farm-to-table means to you, I’m so glad the farm-to-table movement is here and here to stay. I like to buy local when I can. What about you? It’s said repeatedly that we need to fill our plates with more vegetables than anything else – yes, more than the meat! farm-to-table has never looked so good Summertime is the perfect time for an outdoor picnic, wouldn’t you say? We all love the classic picnic sandwich, but how about considering a couple of the above vegetable recipes to take to your next picnic? 19 Summer Vegetable Recipes 1.) Easy Fried Okra Recipe by Zesty Olive – Yes, eating okra this way is fantastic! 2.) Paleo Eggp...